Year 3&4 FutureFERNS
Playing Format Year 3&4
Game format: 5v5
Game Day format: 15-minute skill development, 4 x 8-minute quarters game
Court size: Full court
Goal height: 2.6 metres
Ball size: Size 4 ball
Positions: 2 x Attacker, 2 x Defender, 1 x Centre
Umpire/coach: Coaches can support at this level and can move around on court as required, to assist and support players. Rules are simplified and focus is on letting the game flow and minimising stoppages
Use of whistle: No whistle – support and explain decisions to players
Rules of play
Time with the ball: Ball can be held for up to 5 seconds
Footwork: Encourage players to land balanced
Defending player: Enforce 1 metre distance to allow player space to pass
Substitutions: Rolling substitutions – players to have equal time on court
Rotations: Players to rotate to ensure equal opportunity in all positions
Movement on court: C= everywhere except goal circle, A&D= 2/3 of court including goal circle
Start of play: The Centres from the two teams use Paper, Scissors, Rock game to determine who will start with the ball, at the beginning of every quarter. Play starts from the centre circle on the whistle. After a goal is scored, play restarts with the non-scoring team having the centre pass.
Player participation time: Minimum of half a game
The Woolworths futureFERNS Year 3 & 4 module provides young Netball stars with the opportunity to develop the fundamental movement skills through play in activities and modified Netball. The development and success in any sport requires a solid core of foundation skills. The Woolworths futureFERNS programme is focused on igniting a lifelong love of the game.
Woolworths futureFERNS Year 3 & 4 players are able to learn Netball in a fun and safe environment. Since fundamental movement skill development at this stage is still seen as paramount, each Game Day will commence with a skill session followed by a modified game of Netball – 5 v 5 over two thirds of the Netball court. This game provides players with the opportunity to develop their skills and introduces tactical situations. It is designed to meet the stage-appropriate needs of these young players. It is fun, with participation and number of touches on the ball maximised.
On Game Day, a Junior Co-ordinator will introduce the skill for the week. This person plays a critical role in supporting the development and learning by leading the skill development of players, assisted by the team coaches. If teams choose to have a practice session between Game Days, teams should continue to focus on the skill introduced at the previous Game Day. Additional skill development activities have been included in this resource to be used at practice sessions following Game Day. This resource has been produced to assist the development of Year 3 & 4 Woolworths futureFERNS players. It focuses on developing the basic skills, which are the foundation stones of a great Netball player. The programme is sequential, developing one skill which builds on the other skills. The activities included help to improve the appropriate fundamental skills for the various stages of development.
Competition set-up
Weekly participation
Sport for young people ought to be modified to suit their age, size and ability as children are not mini adults. Netball has been modified since the 1900’s and as we learn more from reviews, research and other sports, further adaptions have been made to ensure the game meets the needs of the players and grows as the players grow.
Woolworths futureFERNS aims to provide the players a fun and safe environment, maximise opportunities to participate. The programme encourages the development their skills and provides a progressive introduction to Netball, developing a lifelong love of the game.